Your order should arrive 5-10 business days after you place it. When orders shipped internationally reach the destination country, they may be subject to customs clearance procedures which can cause delays beyond original delivery estimates. Please be patient.
If the order is being fulfilled by another seller, you'll need to contact that seller directly; you'll find a link in the order summary in Your Account.
Orders that are fulfilled by and shipped via a trackable method (such as UPS) will have tracking information available in Your Account. Please check this information if available and read through the following options:
If the tracking information indicates the package has been delivered, please check with your neighbors or family members. Packages are occasionally left with neighbors, a building manager, or are placed somewhere relatively safe such as your porch, garage, or even behind bushes.
If the tracking information indicates the package is being returned to us, or if the address is incorrect, it may have been undeliverable.
If there is no tracking information or you cannot locate the package and it is not being returned as undeliverable, please e-mail us